Thank you to all those who attended the event
Builders, Developers, Architects, SDA Providers, SIL Providers and Investors gathered at early hours in anticipation of an open dialogue where they could safely bring those burning questions, challenges and concerns in their space, to the Table.
Our Expert Panellists delivered, and we are ever so thankful for all Panellists' wealth of expertise and contribution
We thank Moderator Angad Singh of Sadhana Constructions who did an amazing job in managing the flow of conversations which included the concerns of construction delays, the need for collective collaboration, town planning and SDA approval hurdles, the concern and conversation around funding for SIL workers and so much more.
The event highlighted the need for further engagement and we hope to do this one more time before end of year.
The event ended with positive feedback, new relationships formed and a hunger for more of these events which we no doubt will fulfil.
Don't miss out on the END OF YEAR Lunch Cruise onboard the Crystal Swan on 16th November 2023.
Bookings are now open see here https://lnkd.in/giZdNU5
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Why attend?
Join Builders, SDA Providers, SIL Providers, Developers, Architects, Assessors, and more at PERTH'S SDA ROUND TABLE BREAKFAST with 7 Industry Expert Panellists
Following several successful Perth SDA Conferences, we have collated industry concerns and relevant topics to be brought to the Table.
Here you will be able engage, participate, hear the Panellists and gain a better perspective of the State of SDA Construction in WA.
The session will commence with a sit down breakfast from 7.30am to 8am followed by panel discussions and audience engagement.
Wilson parking is available adjacent to the hotel.
The Discussions
SDA build costs and time frames
Town Planning Challenges - sourcing suitable land for SDA Developments and Delivering SDA approvals
Compliance issues
Market response to price adjustments
Supply coming online
Participants demand
Where do we need more SDA?
Where will we see oversupply?
What have we learnt about SDA design and construction best practice (from SIL & SDA) providers.
7 Panellists..
Following panellist discussions and audience engagement, audiences will be able to further participate, engage, ask questions, bring their areas of concern to the TABLE , connect, introduce themselves and commence the journey with stakeholders as a collective.
Here, information will be gathered and will form part of discussion with relevant bodies of influence for change