'Industry & Community'
24th March 2023
Thank you to all who attended the SDA Conference in Perth
The high in demand event was a complete sell out with over 100 SIL Providers, Builders, SDA Providers, Developers, Service providers and Stakeholders.
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See clips of the Perth event below
Review of Program and Speakers
Below you can view past topics and Speaker details for Perth 24th March 2023 Conference
Certificates of attendance will be available within 14 days
Program *
8.00am - 8.05am
Welcome and introductions
Lynn Gabriel
Founder and
National Events & Program Director
SDA Conferences & Events
Alison McLeod
InHab Australia
8.05am - 8.20am
Open Panel session and discussion with SIL provider, Builder, SDA Provider
Moderated by Alison McLeod
8.25am - 8.40am
Understanding SDA Pricing Arrangements and Price limits 2022 - 2023
Tony Rutherford
Holding Redlich Lawyers
8.45am - 9.15am
Financial Risks, Social Risks, Location Factors, SDA Market development and returns on SDA Investment.
Valuations of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) & NDIS, - realistic factors, the challenges and hurdles - SDA outlook in 2023
Craig Guinane
NICISA Valuers
9.15am - 9.45am
What to understand before embarking on an SDA property investment
- The importance of the SDA provider and understanding supply and demand
- Build costs
- Feasibilities and realistic returns of an SDA investment property
- Other challenges
Debbie Kindness
General Manager
NDIS Property Australia
Morning Tea 9.45am - 10.00am
10.00am - 10.40am
Demand for Specialist Disability Accommodation: consumer needs and preferences.
Data available on SDA for both demand and supply
Identifying tenants for SDA dwellings
Eligibility for SDA funding and the processes
Understanding customers' needs
Alecia Rathbone
Chief Social Enterprise Officer
The Housing Hub
10.45am - 11.00am
Challenges relating to finding SDA Participants
and; Challenges relating to filling SDA vacancies
Alison McLeod
InHab Australia
11.00am - 11.30am
Value for Money vs A Participant's right to not share with another. Discussion, cases, outcomes and appeals
Ashleigh Brennan
Advocacy WA
Break 11.30am - 11.35am
11.35am - 11.55am
Assistive Technology - improving the lives of participants in SDA homes
Chief Executive Officer, InteliCare
11.55am - 12.20pm
Surveillance technology and restrictive practices – what you need to know
Sector Service Development Manager
Regulation and Quality
Governance Integrity and Reform
(pic coming soon )
12.20pm - 1.00pm
Design and Design standards. ‘Compliance VS best practice’
Overnight Assistance - where they can be located
Breakout Rooms and the benefits
Assessing sites suitable for SDA and Developments
Passenger lifts in Multi-Storey Dwellings - are they permitted?
Door solutions and Design
Henry Sgourakis
Lunch, networking
1.00pm - 1.45pm
Breakout Session A :2.00pm - 4.45pm
Workshop session numbers are limited. Please book early to avoid disappointment
You are able to select your session on registration.
Workshops are subject to proceed if minimum attendee numbers are met.