Tue 12th March 2024

NDISDA Specialist Disability Accommodation Intermediate Workshop
Thankyou to all who attended the SDA Intermediate workshop.
The event was filled to capacity with Architects, Developers, Builders, Building Surveyors, Assessors, SDA Providers, SIL Providers!
What an amazing group.....! We look forward to sharing your company in the near future
Stay tuned for more events for Melbourne here
NDISDA Specialist Disability Accommodation Intermediate Workshop

Understanding SDA Challenges and Operations
Who should attend? SIL Providers, SDA Providers, Investors, Builders, Developers, Financiers, Architects, all Interested Stakeholders
Bonus : Add the SDA Networking Cruise after the workshop sessiont? its an option for a total of $395pp to include the first session and the Networking cruise
1. Introduction
• Overview of SDA Workshop Goals and Objectives
- SDA Induction and tenant handover and supports
2. Challenges with Tenanting SDA
• Identifying and Addressing Common Tenanting Challenges
3. Agreements and Registration
• Necessary Agreements for SDA
• Registration Process for SDA
4. Funding Landscape
• Navigating Funding Challenges
• Participant Preferences vs NDIA Funding Criteria
5. Location Factors
• Price of land and desired ROI vs projected demand and vacancy risk
6. Separation of SDA and SIL - Housing and Care Separation
• Is there conflict of interest and is choice and control being considered - the outcomes of the Final Report
7. Choice and Control
• Understand how Choice and Control impacts your operations and why the Participants rights has to be considered
8. Tenancy Lifecycle
• What Happens When a Tenant Moves In?
• Ending an SDA Tenancy
9. SDA Pricing Review Changes
• Understanding the Implications of Pricing Review Changes
SDA Design and Construction Considerations
Who should attend? Architects, Developers, Builders, Investors, Assessors, SDA Providers, Access Consultants, Financiers. This session may not suit SIL Providers
Cost : $195pp
Bonus : Would you like add the SDA Networking Cruise? its an option for only $100 extra for a total cost of $395pp to include the SDA Intermediate session and the Networking cruise
This session will cover the following:
1. SDA Application and Approval Process
• Step-by-Step Guide to Application and Approval
2. SDA Design Standards explained
• Importance and Implications of the SDA Design Standard
3. Navigating SDA Design Standards
• Practical Tips for Effective Navigation
4. Best Practices in SDA Design
• Highlighting Design Approaches for Optimal Results
5. NCC and Liveable Housing Standard Implementation
• Changes to the NCC and Their Impact on SDA Design
6. SDA Definitions and Terminology
• Clarifying Key Concepts in SDA
7. Accessible Design
• Addressing Design Considerations for Balconies, Entry, Hallways, and More
8. Building Classification of SDA
• Understanding Building Classifications in the Context of SDA
9. Complexities of Building SDA
• Navigating Council, State Fire, NCC, and SDA Design Standards
10. Fire Safety in SDA Homes
• Do We Need Sprinklers for Every SDA Home?
• Common Fire Safety Considerations
11. Common Construction Mistakes
• Identifying and Avoiding Common Pitfalls
12. Future of SDA Design Standards
• Anticipating and Adapting to Future Changes
Bonus for both SDA Intermediate sessions plus the SDA Networking Cruise $395pp.
Please see networking cruise details here